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Marriage with Aisha

Prophet Muhammad (SAW)’s marriage with Aisha (RA) | Daiyah


The Holy Prophet (SAW)’s marriage with Aisha (RA)




Marrying a girl at the age of 9 did not start and will not end with Islam. It was never originated by Islam rather it was a tradition that existed since time immemorial. The consummation of Aisha (RA)'s marriage took place when she reached the age of puberty which was the customary period of marriage in many societies of that era. Those who mock Islam for condoning teenage marriage are the same people who encourage teenage sex with multiple partners by supporting them with condoms, contraceptives and abortion clinics. They consider teenage sex as freedom and liberation and when asked why the say “Puberty brings with it a lot of sexual feelings.” Can you imagine such ironical hypocrisy!


Early marriage was a global norm and was common even in the west before the industrial revolution and was never seen as improper as individuals were considered mature at an earlier age. In early Christian European societies, children were betrothed to each other as young as infants and would marry when they meet the age of consent 12 for girls and 14 for boys. Christian royal monarchs’ children were married as early as early as age 8-10 mostly to secure a political and/or financial tie. The betrothal is considered a binding contract upon the families and the children. The breaking of a betrothal can have serious consequences both for the families and for the betrothed individuals themselves.


Anne de mowbray 8th countess of norfolk died as a child bride at the age of nine. she was the bride of richard of shrewsbury 


Richard II, aged 29, married 2nd wife Isabella of Valois in 1396 when she was 6, yes 6. They were married for 4 years until his death. The marriage was political, never consummated, and actually grew to like each other as friends if a 29 year old can be "friends" with a 6 year old.


Henry VIII, aged 49, married Catherine Howard when she was about 16 years old.

Lady Jane Grey was about 15 when she married her child groom who was about 16 or 17.

King James I, aged 23, married Anne of Denmark when she was 14.

Charles I, aged 25, married Henrietta Marie of France when she was 13.

William III and Mary II ruled jointly. Mary was 15 when she married her 27 year old 1st cousin.

Richard III, aged 19, married Anne Neville when she was 16.

Henry VI, aged 23, married Margaret of Anjou when she was 15.

Henry IV, aged 14, married 1st wife Mary de Bohun when she was 12.

Richard II, aged 14, married 1st wife Anne of Bohemia when she was 15.

Edward III, aged 13, married Philippa of Hainault when she was 13.


In the medievial jewish community of Ashkenazi, girls were married off as a ketannah. A ketannah (literally meaning little [one]) was any girl between the age of 3 years and that of 12 years plus one day; a ketannah was completely subject to her father's authority, and her father could arrange a marriage for her without her agreement 


In mexico they have what is called a "quinceanera (coming-of-age), parties for 15-year-old girls that send the signal that they are ripe for marriage.



1-It was a divine inspiration:

Before describing the rationale behind this married relation, let it be known that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) married Sayyida Aisha (RA) not of his own desire rather it was a Divine inspiration. Read the following Hadith;

Narrated ‘Aisha (RA) :

That the Prophet said to her, “You have been shown to me twice in my dream. I saw you pictured on a piece of silk and some-one said (to me). ‘This is your wife.’ When I uncovered the picture, I saw that it was yours. I said, ‘If this is from Allah, it will be done.” {Bukhari :: Volume 5 :: Book 58 :: Hadith 235}


2-It was not out of his physical desires:

The Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) did not marry Sayyidah Aisha (RA) out of his physical desires. One need to note that for first 54 years of his life he had only one wife. His only wife till 50th year of his life was Sayyida Khadija. He spent his entire youth with her and she was a two time widowed woman, 15 years elder to him. For next four years his only wife was Sayyidah Sa’uda.


3-Age of Marriage in Old Ages:

One must first understand that 1400 years ago was very different than now, times have changed and so have humans. 1400 years ago it was something very common to marry young girls, in fact they were not considered young girls, and rather they were considered young women back then. It is a historic fact that girls from the ages of 9 to 14 were being married in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in fact even in the United States girls at the age of 10 were also being married just more than a century ago.

Yet with these facts no historian claims that all these people were sick perverts, historians would call anyone who made such a claim to be arrogant and very stupid who has no grasp or understanding of history.
Even in Indo-Pak Sub-Continent girls used to be married at 12-13 even 50-60 years ago. And those ‘girls’ infact raised much better families. There were less family problems then. A simple analyses of the divorce rate then and know would certainly make it clear that maturity level earlier used to be different i.e. people used to come of age rather quickly.


4-Child Brides in Byzantine Empire:


Visit this link to see how common were the child brides in the Byzantine Empire.This article clearly states;”Child brides, whether Byzantines or foreign princesses, were the norm rather than the exception, especially from the late twelfth century”.


5-The Pagans of the Prophet’s time:

The fact that it was a completely acceptable thing can also be seen from the response of the pagans at that time. No Muslim or even pagan objected to the marriage because it was widely practiced. And even until today in 3rd world countries (Muslims and non-Muslims), little girls as young as 9 or 10 do get married. Anyway, the reason no one objected was to the Prophet’s marriage was:1-People used to have very short life-spans in Arabia. They used to live between 40 to 60 years maximum. So it was only normal and natural for girls to be married off at ages 9 or 10 or similar.2-Marriage for young girls was widely practiced among Arabs back then, and even today in many non-Muslim and Muslim countries


6-Engagement with Jubair bin Mutim:

It ought also be noted that Sayyidah Aisha (RA) was engaged to Jubayr son of Mut’im before Prophet Muhammed (Peace be upon him. This indicates the age of marriage and engagement in Prophet’s time. However, the engagement was later nullified by Jubayr’s parents due to Abu Bakr (RA) embracing Islam.Doesn’t this indicate there was nothing bad in marrying a 9 year girl at that time?She must have been even younger when she was engaged to Jubair


7-Sayyidah Aisha (RA) was fit for marriage:

Furthermore as to the Holy Prophet’s marriage with Sayyidah Aisha (RA), something people will notice is that the completion of the marriage was done when Sayyidah Aisha (RA) was 9 years old, not when she was 6, and there is a reason for that. The reason why this happened is because Sayyidah Aisha had been through puberty by the age of 9, and in Islam a female who under-goes puberty is considered a lady and is fit for marriage.

If we read the hadiths, we find that right before Sayyidah Aisha (RA) got married off to the Holy Prophet that she was sick and not feeling too well:

Narrated Sayyidah Aisha (RA):

The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became all right, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, “Best wishes and Allah’s Blessing and a good luck.” Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah’s Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.” {Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234}

So as we can see, Sayyidah Aisha (RA) got ill and her body was going through some changes, indicating that she was going through her puberty.


8-Sayyida Aisha (RA) never showed her displeasure:

Another striking thing to observe is that among hundreds of her narrations there is not even a single one showing her displeasure about this marriage. Hence, she had no problem with this relation. Infect it is manifest from several traditions that she loved the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) too much and even felt some sort of jealousy when she found others around him. Does this not prove that she was extremely happy about this marriage? So, when she herself had no problem at all then what’s the matter of concern for others?


9-A 9-year old Thai girl gave birth:

A 9 old girl can become a mother. If you don’t believe me then see here is the proof;

The news item is from the New Straits Times, 10/3/2001.

In our world today, we still have people who marry very young girls. Why should we object to someone who married a 9-year old girl 1400 years ago, when we still practice it today? The girl above even gave birth at the age of 9!


10-It was absolutely legal:

Prophet Muhammad (SAW)’s marriage with Aisha (RA) was 100% legal and acceptable by all laws and Divine Religions. It is important to know that girls during the Biblical and Islamic days used to be married off at young ages when they either had their first periods, or their breasts start showing off. In other words, when they turn into “women”, then they get married off. It was quite different for men on the other hand, because physical power and the ability of living an independent life had always been and will always be a mandatory requirement for men to have in life. So men waited much longer than women in terms of getting married. The guy had to develop both his body and mind before he was ready for marriage. That is why you see girls as young as 9 or 10 were married to men as old as 30 or even older. The culture back then and in many of the world countries today (non-Muslim ones too) is quite different than what you live in today. And there is no divine law which is broken in marrying a girl of nine at any costs.


11-Her parents never objected:

Sayyidah Aisha (RA)’s mother and the Muslim women back then were O.K with her marriage. It was part of the Arab custom and still is in many of the Muslim and non-Muslim countries today for girls to marry at a very young age. When a girl’s body starts showing up (her breasts and her height and physical size), then she would be ready for marriage.

The only reason why Sayyidah Aisha (RA)’s father, Abu Baker Al Sidique, broke her engagement with Jober is because he was a non-Muslim. Later, a woman named Kholeah Bint Hakeem suggested for Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to marry Sayyidah Aisha (RA), because the Prophet and Abu Baker became best friends. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) engaged Sayyidah Aisha (RA) for 3 years before he married her.


12-Muslims never concealed it:

Had there been any bad thinking regarding this marriage in minds of the people at that time. Muslims would have tried there best to conceal at that time. But they didn’t.


13-Refuting unjust Pagan views:

There were many baseless traditions in practice among the Arabs in those days. So Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was usually ordered by the Almighty Allah to refute such traditions through personal examples. Similar is the case of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)’s marriage with Umm al Momineen Aisha (R.A.)


1-For a bad omen, Arab considered Shawwal a month prohibited for marriage. Sayyidah A’isha’s betrothal and departure from her parent’s house took place in Shawwal. This changed the ridiculous custom.

2-Another bad custom was that the Arabs did not give the hands of their daughters to those who they “called” their brothers (though were not actual brothers). This was the objection raised by Abu Bakr himself, when the Prophet (peace be upon him) made the proposal. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) then told him that a brother in faith was not an actual blood brother to be placed in the prohibited category.


14-Great Wisdom behind this marriage:

Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) marriage with Sayyidah Aisha (RA) at that age was indeed a great blessings for all the Muslims ever since. Most of the matters related to cleanliness, married relationship and other household issues have been cleared due to her narrations. She lived a long time after the death of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and continued to teach the Ummah about matters of daily routine and great importance.


15-What was Sayyidah Aisha (RA) famous for?

Well what was her specialty? I ask the critics.

Was it beauty?

Was it wealth?

No it was religion!Thus proving the Divine Logic.

Arwa Bin Zubair says, “I did not find anyone more proficient [than Aisha (RA) ] in the knowledge of the Holy Quran, the Commandments of Halal (lawful) and Haram (prohibited), Ilmul-Ansab and Arabic poetry. That is why, even senior companions of the Prophet used to consult Aisha (RA) in resolving intricate issues”.

(Jala-ul-Afham by Ibn Qaiyem and Ibn Sa’ad, Vol.2, p.26)

Also see this;

Abu Musa al-Ashari says: “Never had we (the companions) any difficulty for the solution of which we approached Aisha (RA) and did not get some useful information from her”. (Sirat-I-Aisha (RA), on the authority of Trimidhi, pg. 163)

Indeed Allah knows the best!

Through the centuries, orientalists have advance numerous accusations and far-fetched theories to discredit Islam and its last Prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him). Praise be to Allah alone, all such accusations have been successfully refuted by the Muslims Ummah. Currently, one of the ‘reinvented’ accusations against the noble character of the Prophet is about his marriage to young Aisha Siddiqa (RA). Let’s probe some of the orientalists’ charges in detail in the light of modern research, historic evidence and the Islamic sources of the Quran and the Sunnah to separate truth from falsehood, and display to the world that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is indeed an exemplary for all of mankind.

Orientalists often attack the pure character of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) on his marriage to Aisha (RA). Let’s analyze the lifestyle of the prophet and his marriages:



Name of Bride

Bride’s age at marriage


Khadija bint khawilad (RA)


Twice widowed before

Sauda Bint Zama (RA)



Aisha bint Abu Bakr (RA)


Started living with the prophet at the age of 9.

Hafsa Bint Umar bin Khattab (RA)



Zainab bint Khuzaima (RA)



Umm-I-Salma bint Abu Umayia (RA)



Zainab Bint Jahash (RA)



Juwaeria Bint Harith



Umm-I-Habiba bint Abu Sufyan (RA)



Marya Qibtiya bint shamun (RA)


Virgin, Egyptian

Safia bint Hayi bin Akhtab (RA)



Raihana bint umru bin hanafa (RA)

Not available


Maimuna bint harith (RA)




Source: The Prophet of Islam, the Ideal Husband, by Syed Abu Zafar Zain, Kazi Publications, Lahore, Ist Ed., pg. 10-12


Statistics from the above table:

Percentage of his wives who were 17years and older = 91 %

Percentage of his wives who were widows = 75%

Comment: The statistics show that the prophet’s marriage to Aisha (RA) at her young age was an exception and not a norm of his other marriages. An unbiased examination of Prophet’s life and his marriages to his wives blatantly rejects the notion of his lifestyle fitting that of orientalist critics..

 “It is impossible for anyone who studies the life and character of the great Prophet of Arabia, who knows how he taught and how he lived, to feel anything but reverence for that mighty Prophet, one of the great messengers of the Supreme. And although in what I put to you I shall say many things which may be familiar to many, yet I myself feel whenever I re-read them, a new way of admiration, a new sense of reverence for that mighty Arabian teacher.” – Annie Besant, The life and teachings of Muhammad (SAW), Madras, 1932, p. 4.


There is no single incident of any infliction of pain and suffering by the prophet on Aisha (RA) or any other human being. As one examines the chaste life of Aisha (RA), her personality, physical, mental and spiritual development are all contrary to that of orientalist theories.


After analyzing and refuting the accusations against the noble character of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the only viable alternative left with us is that the Prophet married Aisha (RA) for the benefit of Islam and Humanity.

Lets analyze…

# The Prophet married Aisha (RA) primarily for three reasons:

# To reinforce the friendly relations already existing with Abu Bakr (his closest companion).

# To educate and train Aisha (RA) so she may serve the purposes of Islam.

# To teach her to utilize her capabilities for the sake of Islam.

# Her Marriage with the prophet was a Wahi (Divine Revelation). She, herself relates from the Prophet, ‘He said, “I saw you in dreams three times. The angel brought you to me and you were clad in white silk. He (the angel) said that it was your consort and he (angel) showed me by opening your face. You are just like that…” Sahih Muslim, Vol.2, p.285.

#   Aisha (RA)  was born after her parents had embraced Islam. Therefore, she was free from the defilement of polytheism right from her birth.

#   In her youth, already known for her striking beauty and her formidable memory, she came under the loving care and attention of the Prophet himself. As his wife and close companion she acquired from him knowledge and insight such as no woman has ever acquired.

Aishah (RA) lived on almost fifty years after the passing away of the Prophet. She had been his wife for a decade. Much of this time was spent in learning and acquiring knowledge of the two most important sources of God’s guidance, the Quran and the Sunnah of His Prophet. Aishah (RA) was one of the three wives (the other two being Hafsa  and Umm Salamah) who memorized the Revelation. Like Hafsa ®, she had her own script of the Quran written after the Prophet had died.

# So far as the Hadith or sayings of the Prophet is concerned, Aishah (RA) is one of four persons (the others being Abu Hurrah, Abdullah ibn Umar, and Ana ibn Malik) who transmitted more than two thousand sayings. From her, 2210 Hadith have come, out of which 174 Hadith are commonly agreed upon by both Bukhari and Muslim. Many of her transmissions pertain to some of the most intimate aspects of personal behavior which only someone in Aishah (RA)'s position could have learnt. What is most important is that her knowledge of Hadith was passed on in written form by at least three persons including her nephew Urwah who became one of the greatest scholars among the generation after the Companions. It is the claim of the Scholars of Islam that without her, half of the Ilm-I-Hadith [knowledge, understanding of the Hadith (and Islam)] would have perished.

#   Many of the learned companions of the Prophet and their followers benefited from Aishah (RA)’s knowledge. Abu Musa al-Ashari once said: “If we companions of the Messenger of God had any difficulty on a matter, we asked Aisha (RA) about it.”

“Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya ibn Said from Said ibn al-Musayyab that Abu Musa al-Ashari came to Aishah (RA), the wife of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and said to her, “The disagreement of the companions in a matter which I hate to bring before you has distressed me.” She said, “What is that? You did not ask your mother about it, so ask me.” He said, “A man penetrates his wife, but becomes listless and does not ejaculate. “She said, “When the circumcised part passes the circumcised part ghusl is obligatory.” Abu Musa added, “I shall never ask anyone about this after you.” Al-Muwatta of Imam Malik Hadith 2.75

Arwa Bin Zubair says, “I did not find anyone more proficient [than Aisha (RA)] in the knowledge of the Holy Quran, the Commandments of Halal (lawful) and Haram (prohibited), Ilmul-Ansab and Arabic poetry. That is why, even senior companions of the Prophet used to consult Aisha (RA) in resolving intricate issued“.Jala-ul-Afham by Ibn Qaiyem and Ibn Sa’ad, Vol.2, p.26

Abu Musa al-Ashari says: “Never had we (the companions) had any difficulty for the solution of which we approached Aisha (RA) and did not get some useful information from her“.Sirat-I-Aisha (RA), on the authority of Trimidhi, pg. 163

# As a teacher she had a clear and persuasive manner of speech and her power of oratory has been described in superlative terms by al-Ahnaf who said: “I have heard speeches of Abu Bakr and Umar, Uthman and Ali and the Khulafa up to this day, but I have not heard speech more persuasive and more beautiful from the mouth of any person than from the mouth of Aishah (RA).”

The Prophet said, “The superiority of ‘Aisha (RA) to other ladies is like the superiority of Tharid (i.e. meat and bread dish) to other meals. Many men reached the level of perfection, but no woman reached such a level except Mary, the daughter of Imran and Asia, the wife of Pharaoh.” Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith, Narrated by Abu Musa Al Ashari Hadith 4.643

Musa Ibn Talha ® says, “I did not see anyone more eloquent than Aisha (RA)” Mustadrak of Hakim, Vol.4,p.11

# Men and women came from far and wide to benefit from her knowledge.

Aisha (RA)’s great interest in the study of the Qur’an is understandable. She was an eye-witness to a number of revelations and had therefore a clear idea of the circumstances in which they were revealed. It was on her bed alone (and no other consort’s) that the Prophet received Wahi (Divine Revelations) several times. This helped her in interpreting the verses.

# At the time of the Prophet’s death, the Prophet’s head was on her lap. It was in her quarters that the Prophet was buried.

The life of Aishah (RA) is a proof that a woman can be far more learned than men and that she can be the teacher of scholars and experts. Her life is also a proof that a woman can exert influence over men and women and provide them with inspiration and leadership. Aisha (RA) is a continuing inspiration and role model to today’s youth who are diligently searching for an example amongst the pop stars, movie actresses and sports stars. May the memory of her’s live forever in the heart of the Muslim Ummah and may Allah grant her the highest abode in Paradise…Aameen.


It was the aforementioned qualities of Aisha (RA) and the Prophet’s guidance in molding these capabilities for the service of Islam, were the main reasons, why the Prophet Married young Aisha (RA), and not the perverted reasons brought forth by misguided orientalists.

Muslims invite all sincere humans to study the life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon) in the light of the authentic sources of the Quran and the Sunnah (exemplary sayings and deeds of the Prophet) and judge for themselves where the truth lies. Indeed, by recognizing the truth of Islam as the final and complete Guidance sent by our Creator can humanity find lasting peace in this world and a means of salvation from the hell fire in the hereafter.

“I have studied him – the wonderful man and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Savior of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad (SAW) that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today.” George Bernard Shaw, The Genuine Islam, Vol. 1, No. 81936.

Though, the Prophet is not among us in his flesh, but his exemplary life has been preserved for all humanity to follow.

When Truth comes Falsehood disappears, Islam came, now Shirk (polytheism) must clear!

 Further Reading: Why Did Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Marry Aisha The Young Girl?
Author: Fawzy Al-Ghoudairy | Language: English | Format: PDF | Pages: 34 | Size: 2 MB


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