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Abu Ubaidah

Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah (رضي الله عنه), Companion of the Prophet | Daiyah

Abu ‘Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah (RA)

أبو عبيدة عامر بن عبدالله بن الجراح

“The Trustee Of Ummah (Amin al-Ummah)”

Abu ‘Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah (RA) was the First Companion who was being called “Commander of Commanders!” He was The man whom Rasulullah (SAW) sent with reinforcements to ‘Amir Ibn Al-’Aas in the Dhaat As -Salaasil Expedition and He was a commander of the army that included ‘Umar (RA) and Abu Bakr (RA).

He was the man whose right hand Rasulullah (SAW) Held up and said: “In every nation there exists a man worthy of all trust and the trustworthy of this nation is Abu ‘Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah.”

He was tall, slim, strong, trustworthy man about whom ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab (RA) said on his deathbed, “If Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah were alive, I would have entrusted him with the caliphate, and if Allah asked me about him, I would say, I assigned the caliphate to the trustworthy of Allah and His Messenger (SAW), Abu ‘Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah.”

Allah Akbar! How the companions respected him, and loved him.

He was the one who pulled out the two rings from Rasulullah (SAW)’s cheeks in the Battle of Uhud and He lost his upper and lower teeth. Abu Bakr As-Sadiq (RA) said: “When the Battle of Uhud reached the apex of fierceness and ferocity, Rasulullah (SAW) was wounded, and two of the rings of Rasulullah (SAW)’s mail penetrated his cheeks. As soon as I realized what had happened, I rushed to him. A man ran swiftly in same direction and exclaimed, “Dear Allah, accept this deed as a sign of obedience.” Then we both reached Rasulullah (SAW), but Abu ‘Ubaidah was there before me, so he pleaded with me, “Please, by Allah, Abu Bakr, let me pull them out of Rasulullah (SAW)’s cheeks,” so I let him. Abu ‘Ubaidah held one of the rings with his front teeth and pulled it out along with his upper front teeth. The he pulled out the second along his lower front teeth. Thus, he lost his teeth.”

Rasulullah (SAW) loved this trustworthy one of his nation so much that he gave him preference over everyone else. For instance, when the Najraan delegation arrived from Yemen after they had embraced Islam, they asked Rasulullah (SAW) to send someone to them to teach the Qur’an, the Sunnah, and Islam. Rasulullah (SAW) told them: “I will send you a trusthworthy man, a very trustworthy man.” When companions heard this praise, every one of them prayed that Rasulullah (SAW) meant him this praise and sincere recommendation. ’Umair Ibn Al-Khattaab (RA) narrated thus: “I have never craved command in my life except on the day, in hope that I would be the man whom Rasulullah (SAW) held in such high esteem. Therefore, I went in intense heat to perform my Dhuhr Prayer. When Rasulullah (SAW) finished leading the prayer, he looked to his right, then his left. I stood on my toes to draw his attention to me, yet he kept on looking round until he saw Abu ‘Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah and ordered him, “Go with them and judge in truth between them in the matters in which they dispute.” Afterwards, Abu Ubaidah traveled with them.

This incident does not mean that Abu ‘Ubaidah was the only one whom Rasulullah (SAW) trusted or appreciated. But he was the only one or one of few who was qualified to the absent from Al-Medina for this mission of calling people to accept Islam Monotheism, for he was the perfect man for this assignment. He maintained his trustworthiness as a Companion of Rasulullah (SAW), and even after his death, he upheld his responsibilities with admirable integrity. Thus, Abu ‘Ubaidah was assigned as the commander-in chief in Syria. His army was the mightiest and best equipped among the Muslim armies. You could hardly distinguish him from the rank and file of the army. He was always unassuming. When he heard that the people of Syria were infatuated by him and by his new rank, he asked them to assemble, then addressed them saying: “Fellow men, I’m a Muslim from the Quraish tribe. I will follow any of you like his shadow regardless of the color of his skin, if he is more pious and righteous than me.”

One day, the commander of the faithful (‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab (RA)) visited Syria and asked those who were at his reception, “Where is my brother?” They asked, “Who do you mean?” He answered, “Abu ‘Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah.” Soon Abu ‘Ubaidah (RA) arrived and hugged ‘Umar (RA), then he invited him over to his house, where he had no furniture. In fact, he had nothing but a sword, a shield and a saddlebag. ‘Umar (RA) asked him, smiling, “Why don’t you furnish your house as people do?” Abu ‘Ubaidah (RA) readily answered, “O commander of the faithful, as you see, I have a room to sleep in and that is enough for me.”

Subhânallah! Can take a minute and Reread this Statement He spoken… Allahu Akbar! Compare to yourself with Him…Subhânallah! Think about the world as everything decorating out houses like we will ever live there…may Allah guide us like him and forgive our sins. Aameen.

One day as the commander of the faithful ‘Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab (RA) was conducting the affairs of the vast Muslim world, he received the sad news of Abu ‘Ubaidah’s (RA) death. He tried to control himself, but his sadness got the better of him and his tears flowed. He asked Allah to bestow His mercy on his brother. He recalled his memories and tenderness. He exclaimed, “If I were to make a wish, I would have wished a house full of men just like Abu ‘Ubaidah.”

Abu Ubaidah lived through the harsh experience, which the Muslims went through in Makkah, from beginning to end. With the early Muslims, he endured the insults and the violence, the pain and the sorrow of that experience. In every trial and test he remained firm and constant in his belief in Allah and His prophet. One of the most harrowing experiences he had to go through, however, was at the battle of Badr. Abu Ubaidah was in the vanguard of the Muslim forces, fighting with might and main and as someone who was not at all afraid of death. The Quraish cavalry were extremely wary of him and avoided coming face to face with him. One man in particular, however, kept on pursuing Abu Ubaidah wherever he turned and Abu Ubaidah tried his best to keep out of his way and avoid an encounter with him. Abu Ubaidah tried desperately to avoid him. Eventually the man succeeded in blocking Abu Ubaidah’s path and stood as a barrier between him and the Quraish. They were now face to face with each other. Abu Ubaidah could not contain himself any longer. He struck one blow to the man’s head. The man fell to the ground and died instantly. The man in fact was Abdullah ibn-e Jarrah the father of Abu Ubaidah! Abu Ubaidah obviously did not want to kill his father but in the actual battle between faith in Allah and polytheism, the choice open to him was profoundly disturbing but clear. He killed the polytheism in the person of his father.The following verse of the Quran was written about this display of character by Abu ‘Ubaidah:

  • “You will not find a people believing in Allah and the Last Day making friends with those who oppose Allah and His messenger even if these were their fathers, their sons, their brothers or their clan. Allah has placed faith in their hearts and strengthened them with a spirit from Him. He will cause them to enter gardens beneath which streams flow that they may dwell therein. Allah is well pleased with them and they well pleased with Him. They are the party of Allah. Is not the party of Allah the successful ones? (58:22).”

When Abu Ubaidah was in Syria leading the Muslim forces from one victory to another until the whole of Syria was under Muslim control. It was then that a plague epidemic hit the land of Syria. He passed away in plague in this epidemic in 18 AH (639 AD).

The Trustworthy of this nation died in the land which he had purified from paganism of the Persians and the oppression of the Romans. Today in Jordan lie his noble remains which once were full of life, goodness, and satisfaction. It does not matter if you know where he is buried or not, for if you want to find his grave, you will need no guide; The Fragrance of his remains will lead you to it…….

“May Allah have mercy on his Soul and may Allah be pleased with him. Aameen.”

A Poem In The Wonder Of Abu ‘Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah (RA).

He was the first Sahabi

Who was being called,

The Commander Of Commanders!

And All the Sahabah

Respected him well

Indeed He was Trustworthy!

He has dealt many problems

Caring not about the world

But Only His Eyes were directed

To The Paradise of Allah

And he has gained it well

By the help of Allah

And He was among the Ones

That Allah Bestowed His Mercy

He is Our Hero

Although His time

Was ended from Dunyaa

It was really hard

For many Companions

To hear His Death

Subhânallah He was A Hero

And Allah Loved Him.

I ask Allah, The One,

To give us Leaders

Having the likes of His character

And  lead us

With the fear Of Allah

And the Sunnah Of Rasulullah (SAW)

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اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد
كما صليت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد
اللهم بارك على محمد وعلى آل محمد
كما باركت على إبراهيم وعلى آل إبراهيم إنك حميد مجيد

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وآخر دعواهم أنِ الحمد لله ربِّ العالمين  


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